Another good night for the Samdog. I’m beginning to wonder when the tide will turn and I’ll find myself at a total loss for how to help. I suspect that might be today. He comes off the fentnyl patch (you’d think I’d learn how to spell these things by now) today. He has little spasms where I think his old leg is “zinging” him, I’m worried without the patch phantom pain will become a real thing today. He has already cried out this morning louder than he ever has, and we are not sure what changed to cause the distress. (deep breath)

We also noticed this morning his incision site is looking pretty good – most of the edema has actually moved down into his belly where it has formed a big pink bruise. I think we will be calling Dr. S. about that. I’m not worried, it just seems odd that the fluid is so far away from the wound.
He is getting better at shifting his weight around and making subtle corrections while he is up. So, his mobility is definitely improving. We also got the paw wax in our mailbox. I can’t tell yet for certain, but I think it is helping. It might also be that when he is not on one of the many bathmats strewn around the house, he keeps his paws tucked under him. Which is okay too.
One of our favorite pack of people sent Sam a care package! Today is gonna be a good day for that chill pill. Sam says the biscuits that came with this new toy were really tastey too. I’ll take his word for it. He also says the chill pill might be for me not him. Okay, I get it… be more dog. (deep breath)
UPDATE: Maybe 20 minutes after this morning’s post, Sam suprised me again. He was on the mattress in the living room, just chillin out. I went out back to feed the fish in the pond and check the garden. Then I came through the house, scratched his ears and made my way to the front door so I could go around to the chicken yard and let the girls out of their coop. As I got to the front door, I heard a “harrumph” so I stopped and poked my head around the corner to make sure he was okay.
He had gotten up, and was making his way down the carpet runway to where I was. Clearly, he wanted to check on the chickies too. We hopped out the door, through the gate, up the step to the coop. I let out the girls (who stopped to say hello to samdog – they are pals) and collected the egg. From there, we hopped down the step, back through the gate over to the door into the house – and then he surprised me again. Instead of heading back to the dog bed, he turned right – off of the carpet and into the office to say hello to dad.
Hooray for feeling well enough to go on a little walkabout, just because he felt like it! It wore him out though. From there he climbed back up on the bed and hasn’t really moved since., but every little bit of progress is good enough for me.
Sounds like your boy is doing pretty well, finding his new “normal”. I know it’s hard, but try not to worry about things until you have to. Remember to grab that chill pill when you need to! In the meantime, we’ll be sending positive healing thoughts to your boy (and you too!). Be sure to post on the forums if you have questions, there’s a lot more traffic there.
Sounds like he is doing pretty well. Is the paw wax Musher’s Secret? I used that on Maggie and it really helped her (rear amp). It made her pads more supple, which in turn gave her better traction. When her pads were dry and cracked she slipped a lot more. I also trimmed the fur between her pads and toes- that helped too.
Every glimpse of ‘normal’ is wonderful! Pretty soon they will all run together and Sam will just be normal.
Karen and the pugapalooza
So glad Sam had his walkabout! That is very encouraging to use new tripawd parents.
After his incision heals and he his stitches are out, you could consider aqua therapy. We had 4 sessions with Hunter and it helped his balance tremendously. It’s an underwater treadmill. Please keep us posted and good luck to Sam and your family.
Hey – all sounds really good A, M & S. It’s gonna take alot of time but again, he is so resilient, so smart that he will do it. I do also think that, as it may seem strange to him without his leg, he does know why it’s not there. He had to have been feeling what was going on and he is so smart and your bonding I think he knows everything you are thinking and definitely saying.
We did try the aqua therapy for Lucy and she hated it. She was so use to free swimming and I think your pool will be just as good. I know it really freaked us out seeing how miserable she was when we did it. All of the balance activities were great though.
Much love to all 3 of you. We look forwrd to your entries everyday.
Oh wow that is a LOT of progress for today! It’s great to hear he has his curiosity and chutzpah back, even if just a little.
He may have some temporary twitches in his missing limb area, try not to worry, that’s normal. If the crying out gets to be bad, you can call the vet for some gabapentin. It usually works for most dogs and it’s just a temporary thing.
Keep on with the great recovery. Hopefully this is the way it will keep going!
Glad to read that Sam is doing well! This is Day 6 post-op for our Ray, and he’s got the same kind of edema/bruising around his belly that you describe. I’m thinking (hoping) that’s pretty normal. Continued good thoughts to you and Sam during his recovery.The resiliency of our doggies is amazing, isn’t it?