So, if the surgeon is crying as she leaves the consult, is that a game face fail?
Today is the day. We left Sam at the hospital this morning. Unfortunately, we held our game face right up until they asked us to take our collar off so they could put their lead on. At that moment, he knew… something was up and I wasn’t coming with him. That broke me. Which made my husband break, which in turn made our surgeon cry.
She tried to hide it, but the vet tech came in and asked us what we did to her doctor… which made us laugh – but the damage was done. Sam wouldn’t leave me. I had to walk him to the door, through the door and into the hospital hallway before there was enough space between us that the vet techs could convince him he needed to go the other way.
Once he was behind the closed door – we both lost it, big time. I think the whole hospital was crying with us and we owe them a box of kleenex.
Today, I am grateful that I am a logical person. We took all the facts layed them out in front of us and made the right decision. It IS the right decision, and yet my heart is screaming “go back, you can stop this… your dog is still whole. go back!” The argument between my head and my heart is enough to make me feel like I am going to explode. I am not going back, not until tomorrow night – maybe not until Saturday.
My dog is already broken – just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean cancer isn’t there. We caught it early enough that we can’t see it. That is a good thing. When I get him back – he may look different, walk different, but I know in my heart his eyes will be the same.
Still, right now, my heart is screaming.